Saturday, March 25, 2006

I'm A Browser And Damn Proud!

Part of my weekly routine is to go to Ravenswood Comics to check out the new books on Wednesday. Many years ago I used to do a comic strip for their weekly news flier which was given to customers. I did quite a few of them and had fun coming up with jokes that were created based on whatever newsworthy comic event that was happening at the time. Maybe I'll post some of them in the future. They're pretty dated, though. One of the cool things about Ravenswood is that it's basically an institution. Every Wed. it's the same people that come in. You can always find a group that will hang out and chat about what happened last week, what'll happen next week, who's art sucks, what's a must-read, and a lot of spirited debate. Lately Ravenswood has become more and more unfriendly to the casual browser/shopper. They only order books that customers specifically request. If you didn't sign up for the book that you're looking forward to then you probably won't see it when it actually comes out. I enjoy finding something that I didn't expect. I enjoy buying the odd title that I normally don't get when the art strikes me as good. It's what shopping is all about; sniffing it and kicking the tires. Browsing.

Above, clockwise, is Andy, Joe, and Keith. To the right is the owner, Janine. Also there's a sketch of Andy using the power of the force to get everyone in line.

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