Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Favorite Children's Books 3

This next book is the last one but most importantly it's the one that made the biggest impression on me. I finally found it through one of the local libraries. The first thing I did when I opened it up I took a big breath to smell that old familiar smell. Of course, you know what I mean. It's that musty, comfortable scent that takes you back.

Below I've included the pages that really hit that old childhood nerve. These pages delighted me and haunted me. It's hard to describe but it is truly wonderful. This book is wonderful. And if I could find it without paying an arm-and-a-leg, I'd buy it.

Suppose You Met A Witch
By Ian Serraillier
Illustrated by Ed Emberley

As a child I definitely had a fear of
drowning after seeing the image below.

I was definitely glad that nasty, old witch got
her comeuppance but it was quite a ghastly way
to go. Later on, a farmer sets a match to the thistle
hedge that the witch is tangled in.
"And that was that."


The Annotated Barbarian said...

I didn't know about Emberly's books, other than his "how to draw" books, which I know kids love.

Cool online sketchbook!

Tom said...

Hey Tom, you just won my giveaway over at theboyfrost! Just need your postal address to get the prints sent off to you. Thanks for entering! Best wishes, Tom